Isn't music a universal language? In the Douri association, we like to bring people and cultures together in spaces that allow them to reflect on what they have in common. From this idea was born the project “My Voice is My Power”

"My Voice is My Power" is a choral workshop funded by the Sommer Foundation, which aims to bring together young people from different cultures, speaking different languages. Through the practice of singing and music, the young participants have the opportunity to learn from each other's culture to realize all that they have in common. It is a great opportunity to understand cultural differences and to work together to accept and appreciate them.
The project is aimed at young people aged 15 to 20 and has been taking place at the Neimënster cultural center since April 5. Participants meet twice a week in compliance with health standards. We provide everyone with a plastic mask that provides protection for everyone while allowing them to sing and breathe comfortably.
The project pursues several objectives. In addition to creating a multicultural choir, we want to give participants the opportunity to meet other young people and boost their self-confidence. We seek to develop their relational and expression skills while encouraging team spirit and cooperation.
With the help of refugee hostels and youth centers, we managed to interest many young people. However, we are always looking for young Luxembourgers to achieve our objective of diversity and stimulate intercultural exchanges.
The association's social workers are involved in the implementation of values around respect for diversity through awareness sessions throughout the vocal practice sessions. These values are also reflected in the activity with this choir's constitution and the choice of songs.
You can follow the project activity on our website and on our Facebook page. If you are between 15 and 20 years old, do not hesitate to contact us to join the choir. There is always room for one more voice!
About Douri
"My Voice My Power" is not the first cultural project set up by Douri. We carry out different projects with similar objectives and which promote the same values of interculturality. We seek to meet the needs of newcomers to Luxembourg and help them to integrate more quickly and smoothly.
Discover our other projects: “Parlez Facil” and “The Day I Became Strong During The Pandemic on our website.
We are always looking for new people to join the Douri family. If you wish, you can take part in our projects by becoming a volunteer on our team.